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Re: RH questions

> m> And I hear the upcoming 2.0 is even better and smoother (can't say more).
> I wonder how it will do as a web / mail / DNS servers?

Probably not as good as SuSE or MDK or RH or Libranet. It's really a desktop
system, first and foremost. None of those features (web/mail/dns) benefit 
from any of the "goodies" Xandros puts in their distro. For example, the
user isn't presented with anything to manage (or know they exist) any of
those services. But don't fault them for not straying from their goals and
"scope of work" - that's _your_ desires you're talking about, and they're
quite obviously different than Xandros' target market. That said, there's
no reason you have to use only *one* distro for all of your computers.

I use RH, Xandros, and SuSE pretty regularly. I used to use Mandrake a lot,
but not so much any more.

> Yah, that is cool too,  I use webwasher, which takes care of that and a
> lot more, like web dots, etc.

Webwasher works on Linux? I use Guidescope for Win systems, but their Linux
version is a bit difficult to use in a multi-user setting, like a Linux system.
It's basically a filtering proxy server - a lightweight squid, if you will.

What adblock gives Mozilla is wildcard match image blocking. The regular image
management in preferences only lets you block *exact* specific image URLs
*or* an entire domain/host. Sometimes, the latter is too broad a block.
And blocking each specific URL (particularly with dynamically generated URLs) is
extremely cumbersome and unproductive - especially for one-time ads.

Being able to view a page's images and block them by checkboxes a la GuideScope
would be a major plus for adblock or other moz add-on.



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