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Re: nVidia is OS?

> Still, Steve voices a widely held frustration in our community.

I think there are other things Steve could be frustrated about and
give voice to. The fact is that this issue is about someone who
probably already has an nVidia card, and Steve's ticked they didn't
pick some other video card. I'm thinking a newbie response might be:

"Ungrateful bastard. He should be happy I'm running Linux at all, instead of 
that Microsoft stuff that runs all my games just fine with my nVidia card ..."

> The best compromise between yesterday's "everything" and today's "none"
> might be an official product user's group.

I agree completely. Matrox pretty much does this. Although some stuff they
just leave to the chip makers, and for that, sometimes the docs are
pretty slim and not much Matrox can do to fix that. And video cards in
particular seem to be pretty difficult to write drivers for in general,
(with TV/NTSC/PAL/DVD/Macrovision/HDTV/CC/videotext/etc.specs out the wazoo)
so I'm willing to cut nVidia some slack here in knowing their video stuff.
(Steve's not; YMMV).

And it seems like the nVidia of today is quite a bit more Linux friendly
than it used to be, and perhaps that will continue.



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