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Re: Filesystems

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Steven Pritchard wrote:

> KoReE said:
> > What are the advantages to running ext3 on your 2.2 boxen?
> ext3 is ext2 with journalling.  Journalling keeps your filesystem in a
> consistent state at all times, meaning a crash doesn't force you to
> fsck on boot.
> With drives getting as cheap as they are, I'm creating a *lot* of 10,
> 20, 40, even 90 gig filesystems.  fsck even on 10 gig isn't fast.  90
> takes an eternity.

Having watched a 300 gig fsck, yeah, it is slow.  XFS is available from
SGI.  We are running it at work.  So far no problems.  Matter of fact,
we've already had the system go down unexpectedly (nothing XFS related
AFAIK) and no fsck!

Hopefully a vendor will hurry up and start shipping XFS.  Note, XFS
requires a 2.4 kernel.  (My boss took care of setting everything up fyi)


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