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Re: SCSI Cards

KoReE said:
> What's the best "price per pound" SCSI card that's out there?  All I ever
> hear is Adaptec, Adaptec, Adaptec!!!!!  But, I have one problem with them.
> They're expensive.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.  

Buy a 3ware card and use IDE disks.


I now have 110GB or so hooked up to one on ftp.silug.org.  :-)

If you must have a SCSI card, try to find one that's Symbios-based.
At one time, the Diamond Fireport 40 was a good card, but it has been
discontinued.  (If you can find one, and you don't need more than
fast-20, get it.)

> BTW, where is everyone?!

I'm right here.  Where are you?  ;-)

BTW, we should have had a meeting on Monday, but it was a holiday, so
there probably won't be a meeting (in Carbondale) until next month.

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
(618)398-7320             | Meetings the 4th Tuesday of every month
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info
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