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Re: RHEL 5.1->5.2 upgrade - part 3

I remember having this problem after a Fedora upgrade before.  I believe
that it had something to do with certain NFS required services (mountd,
statd) using random ports instead of static ones.  Try disabling the
firewall on your RHEL box and see if the client can mount the NFS shares. 
If so, I believe you have to manually set the desired ports for those
services and then add the proper exceptions to your firewall.

Hope this helps.


> Actually this is a Fedora 8/9 problem, but I'm trying to fix it as part
> of my 5.1->5.2 upgrade, so...
> Setting up NFS used to be simple in the old days of Fedora 7 and RHEL4.
> I'd add the mountables to /etc/exports, run 'exportfs -v' enable and
> start the portmap and nfs services on the target server. Then I'd
> edit /etc/fstab on the client, enable and start its portmap service,
> then 'mount' the desired targets and go.
> I believe I've done everything required on the RHEL5.2 server. But when
> I try to do an NFS mount on a client, I get the following error message:
> $ mount /lion
> mount.nfs: mount to NFS server 'lion' failed: System Error: no route to
> host
> Of course I can ping, ssh to/from, etc. to 'lion' with no trouble at
> all.
> The /etc/fstab entry on the client is:
> lion:/pub   /lion  nfs   rsize=32768,wsize=32768,timeo=14,intr 0 0
> The server's software firewall is set to allow incoming NFS4.
> The only real change appears to be the elimination of portmap service in
> Fedora 8/9. Portmap functionality is now provided by the rpcbind
> service. Naturally there's no 'man rpcbind'.
> Where can I find more information?
> --Doc
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