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server upgrade

I have an old P-II 450 that I'd like to upgrade the filesystem on and  
I am thinking a few different approaches.  I'd like some opinions to  
further my thinking on the matter.

The simplest idea:
I can get two or three 250G ATA drives to put into the machine and  
perhaps software  RAID them, or not.

The next idea:
Get three 250G SATA drives and two (2 channel) PCI SATA controllers.  
I'm still limited by the 133MB/sec PCI bus speed, but when I get  
around to upgrading the motherboard/cpu I won't have to get new drives  
to increase speed.

One question: How big of a pain in the butt is it to boot off drives  
attached to external SATA controllers?

The next next idea:
Get two 250G SATA drives, one (two channel) SATA controller and get an  
ATA system drive.

Any thoughts on this?


Mark Bishop

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