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Fedora Core 4: Clearlooks: Metacity: Ugly

I've been using Fedora Core 4 for a long time now. ( actually.. I've
been using Fedora Core since FC1 test 1 ) But something in Fedora Core 4
annoys me a lot, and I haven't been able to figure out why it happens. 
The new default theme, Clearlooks, has this terrible habit of turning
real ugly for no good reason. If you notice, when you first login to FC4
( a clean ~/ from /etc/skel [ I would suppose ]) The borders around the
windows look very clean. However, for some reason or another, the area
on the right and left upper corners of the windows ( right underneath
the title-bar ) There is a nasty little... well.. I'm not sure what to
call it. So I'll show you a picture of it. [ see attachment ]

Any idea's why that keeps happening, and some way to make it go away?

Kyle Pointer <kapointer@charter.net>


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