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Re: Wednesday, 5/4/2005 O'Fallon meeting

Steven Pritchard wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 01:51:42PM -0500, Steven Pritchard wrote:
>>The next O'Fallon meeting of the Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
>>is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at the O'Fallon City Library. 
> And for those of you who were wondering, yes, I actually called the
> Library to verify that we are on the schedule.  :-)
> I have a bunch more Ubuntu CDs to give away at the meeting, but if you
> can't wait (or can't make it to the meeting), feel free to drop by the
> store to pick up one or ten.
> Steve
whats the big deal about Ubuntu?  i couldn't get it to let me do the SU 
thing, becuase it never let me give it a password.  so i ditched it and 
came back to FC3.

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