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Re: Fedora Core 2 and SELinux (fwd)

> Also, after updating up2date itself (recommended first step), I was
> unable to use up2date to fetch and install the other 450+ pending
> updates. Another policy, no doubt.
> I have no doubt that SELinux will be a useful enhancement to RHEL in a
> professional environment, but its learning curve is going to be steep.

I get about 1500 messages piled into my log on every up2date invocation 
about some SELinux policy not being either found or initialized. I have 
no idea what I'm supposed to do, since it's supposed to be *DISABLED*.

But it is FC2t2 and the "t" is for *test*. :=)

Also, up2date says I've got an update pending to rpm, but every time it 
goes to "resolve dependencies" it stalls for about a minute, and then 
blows chunks with a humongous Python stack backtrace.

At least Perl programs die with grace, and only "confess" when desired.
I mean it's as bad as when Java blows a "NullPointerException" 
backtrace, which is even more puzzling, since Java claims to have done 
away with us programmers knowing about things called "pointers", but 
apparently one is pointing to Null when that bad boy blows chunks.

Anyhoo, I've also found that you need to manually apt-get install the 
586 kernel (the 686 is installed by default) on a disk destined for an 
actual Pentium chip.

And up2date is indicating a bunch of updates pending, while an apt-get 
update && apt-get upgrade indicates all is current. Go figure.

Oh, and /usr/sbin/makewhatis is missing. So you can't build your whatis 
indexes. Even though the 'man man' page refers to it. I have no idea 
what package it might be in, but it ain't in the 'man' rpm.


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