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Re: apt setup

On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 03:06:55PM -0600, Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
> 1. Do you mirror the freshrpms site?


But in this case, I'm not entirely sure it is needed...

(Since I'm doing this on my laptop right now...)

> 2. Would you mind posting an "Initial illustrative apt setup for the
> compleat idiot (me)"?

If you are running Fedora, the Right Way would be to install their apt

  rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/RPMS.stable/apt-0.5.15cnc1-0.fdr.3.1.i386.rpm

I probably need to start mirroring download.fedora.us until all that
content is moved to download.fedora.redhat.com.  In the mean time, use
the default /etc/apt/sources.list (make sure it is the new one
pointing to download.fedora.us) or do like it says and point to a
mirror site.

Next you'll probably want to enable the non-US repository.  Just
create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/livna.list with the following contents:

rpm http://rpm.livna.org fedora/1/i386 stable
rpm-src http://rpm.livna.org fedora/1/i386 stable

You'll also need to manually add the livna GPG key since the Fedora
apt package bails out if it can't verify the signature on a package.
Just do the following:

  cd /etc/apt/gpg
  wget http://rpm.livna.org/RPM-LIVNA-GPG-KEY
  rpm --import RPM-LIVNA-GPG-KEY

At this point, you should be able to "apt-get update && apt-get

> You may recall the last time I installed apt, I didn't know how
> dangerous it was to include a lot of sources, and ended up scrambling my
> RH7.3 setup. This time I want to be very conservative and take no
> chances. My first objective is to bring up xine under FC1, and it looks
> like apt is the best way to achieve that.

You *should* be able to avoid that problem, even using freshrpms, by
putting the following in your /etc/apt/preferences:

Package: *
Pin: release c=os
Pin-Priority: 1001

That should make apt always prefer the "core" packages, to the point
that it will downgrade packages if necessary.  Setting Pin-Priority to
991 should keep it from ever installing new packages from other
sources, but won't make it downgrade packages.

If you wanted to get really crazy, you could pin "c=stable" slightly
lower than "c=os" (but above 990), so that the fedora.us packages are
preferred over the freshrpms packages.  That should make it fairly
safe to always point to the freshrpms repository.

At least that's how I understand it from reading the
apt_preferences(5) man page.  I haven't actually tested this yet...

Oh, and if anyone wants to pull freshrpms stuff off our ftp site, use
the following /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freshrpms.list:

rpm http://ftp.kspei.com/pub/freshrpms/ayo fedora/linux/1/i386 freshrpms

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