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Re: RH 8.0 New Install Hangs

On Sunday 09 February 2003 05:14 pm, you wrote:
> Greetings All.  Just spent the tax return on a HP ze 1230. Dual booting XP
> (Yeah, yeah, I have to learn it for work) and RH 8.0. 

 Hewlett-Packard Notebooks are notoriously difficult to install Linux on.  We 
have had at least one CWE Lug member quit, after agonizing over the stupid 
things for months. I say this not to discourage you but that such 
difficulties are normal with HP equipment. HP is a Microsoft VAR; all the 
clap-trap about Linux support is just lies. That being said, you may want to 
check the following advice:
"I'm running RedHat 7.3 on an hp Pavilion ze1230 laptop.
 The kernel is 2.4.18-3.
 I had initially tried to load RedHat 8.0.  The distribution appears to load 
with no problem, but when you boot the machine after installation, it hangs 
when it tries to bring up the loopback device.  I've seen in some of the 
kernel oriented web sites that there are still bugs in the loopback device 
code, but I'm in no position to fix them, or understand them for that matter.  
I had resigned myself to being stuck with WinXP, but tried 7.3 on the outside 
chance that it might work.  I got lucky."

This was from: http://www.linux-laptop.net/hp.html

You can also look at the Hewlett-Packard  forums  http://bizforums.itrc.hp.com
but the advice is pretty worthless, on the whole. 


> Only, RH won't boot
> after installation. Prior to doing anything to the machine I had the shop
> split the hard drive into 2 10Gig partitions. RH installs just fine.

Yes you may have to drop back to RH 7.3. 


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