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Re: Meeting dates for 2002.

Nobody can get Nate a date. Hermits don't date. There's always Rosey! *also
rucks and duns*

Just for cool things to do. There are several events in the summer that we
could be involved in. I know here in O'Fallon we have the Mayfest at the end
of May, the fireman's picnic, Homecoming in August, etc. All of these events
make booth space available for a nominal fee. I could arrange this stuff
here in O'Fallon quite easily. My sister used to be the Mayor and then
Township Supervisor so getting the connection made should be very easy.

Wouldn't beer lead to more blueberry barium juice? I thought alcohol was bad
for ulcers! I mean unless you're partial to the stuff. I shouldn't make fun

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tighe" <emry@accessus.net>
To: <silug-discuss@silug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Meeting dates for 2002.

> >Now for the meeting dates. Everyone send poor babies to Steve. :P They
> >will be the first Thursday of each month except for July and we will
> >probably have 2 beer and pizza meetings in February and July.
> Mmmmm . . . beer.  *drool*
> >No date available in February (I vote Hooters)
> Maybe we can get Nate a date.  *ducks and runs*
> >Hopefully, I will have the first official-unofficial SILUG calendars
> >available at the January meeting, so be there and be the first on your
> >block to have SILUG refrigerator fodder.
> I would like to see some install-fests and meet-n-greets with the
> locals.  These are always fun and you can normally flush someone outof the
> woodwork, we ought to have one in the post-holiday rush (early
> January).  Just so that we don't try to have people remember us after a
> mad season of getting err... giving.  ;)
> Tigh
> --
> Tighe Schlottog Sys Admin at large   /emry\"@"/accessus.net\
>                              ook ook
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> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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